• Needing a goddess protection


    Parthenon (antic temple) on the hill Acropolis (photo : dornac)

    Yesterday, one of my colleague said, feigning indifference and with a haughty tone in her voice: "Oww, Athens ? well... I have been dreaming about it during years and I was disappointed when I saw it!"

    Why Athens could be disappointing ?


    For me, it has NEVER been disappointing. But I can imaging that people think it's everywhere like on the Acropolis.

    Do you really think that you will find Greece as it was 2500 years ago ?
    Do you think that Greeks are all like this ?





    Montage6It's a tourist ! obviously !



    Or do you think that they  are still   all wearing peplos or chiton ?


    Needing a goddess protection

    Chiton demonstration (source: wikipedia).

    NB: Don't stare too long at these drawings and go further in the reading of the text, please.


    OF COURSE NOT (or perhaps in a smart party) ! Now, they even have cars, you know.
    Athens is moving all around Acropolis. About 5 millions of people are living here and around, it means the third of the country... and linked to the sea thanks to the Pirea (the harbour).
    But indeed, Parthenon is the most impressive place.

    Parthenon is dedicated to the goddess Athena.
    I was in love with her when I was teenage because Athena is the goddess of wisdom and she fights.


    Bas-relief. Museum of
    Acropolis of Athens, 460 B.C.



    So, she was called for all strategic needs.
    Odysseus was protected by her, he was considered as one of the most intelligent hero in mythology (recall: he invented a particular offering : a great horse with soldiers inside, which entered Troy and made Greeks win the war).
    Yes, I needed a strong and intelligent protection from a woman when I was young. So, Athena was my favorite goddess.
    She was not a dyke like Artemis who had a harem and punished Callisto for cheating on her.
    But she was not handled by any male.
    She was chosen by Greeks against her powerful uncle Poseidon, god of the sea, to protect the city which finally took her name : Athens ("Athena" in Greek), the most important city of the Greek History.


    Kore of the Erechteion, Acropolis

      Women are strongly carrying the world, in the city of the goddess, where democracy was born.  



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  • Commentaires

    Lundi 9 Février 2009 à 22:23
    Iln'y a pas que lestraces de l'Antiquité à Athènes il y atoute la Modenrité - aec ses inconvénients - poulltion - voitures ... C'est vrai ! Mais l y a aussi des quartiers qui bougent qui vivent avec de l'Art contemporain et une vraie joie de vivre LIZAGRECE
    Jeudi 12 Février 2009 à 20:16
    Merci pour votre petite note...

    La seule exposition contemporaine que j'ai vue cette année c'était au musée Melina Mercouri sur le thème douloureux du feu.
    Je vais tous les ans en Grèce, et je pleure devant ces arbres défaits, ces collines sèches et grises plantées d'allumettes noires.
    Tous les ans, j'ai mal.
    Jeudi 12 Février 2009 à 20:47
    C'est évidemment triste de voir tous ces dégâts mais en même temps, moi qui vis ici, je suis si heureuse de compter parmi des gens qui se soucient des autres et qui sont si gais - même si il y a des problèmes - mais souvent mieux vécus que ceux que l'on rencontre en France ! LIZAGRECE
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